
Report from KKL-JNF employees and foresters


Due to increased enemy fire and missile interception, numerous fires have broken out in the KKL-JNF Baal Shem Tov Forest. KKL-JNF and Fire and Rescue Services crews are currently operating at the site.
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Falling Munitions Once Again Set Biriya Forest Alight


“We are facing a difficult period. Interceptions and strikes are causing multiple fires, and it is very difficult to control all of the hotspots.”

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Fire Response in Northern Israel's KKL-JNF Forests

By KKL-JNF Staff and Foresters - 24.08.24

Following ongoing Hezbollah attacks multiple fires broke out in KKL-JNF forests in Northern Israel due to heavy ammunition falls. KKL-JNF firefighting teams, along with the Israel Fire & Rescue Authority, have been deployed across the Birya Forest and the Baal Shem Tov Forest near Safed. They are working diligently to control and extinguish the fires.

Click here to watch a short video of the fire

Michael Huri - KKL-JNF Photo Archive

Firefighting & Prevention in the North.
A comprehensive, in-depth study tour of KKL-JNF’s firefighting array, for your information.


On July 10, KKL-JNF’s marketing department joined a press tour organized by the KKL-JNF Spokespersons Unit to the Upper Galilee. We saw the blackened ground and burnt trees of the Biriya Forest, and smoke still rising from the ground. We spoke with KKL-JNF field professionals as well as civilian volunteers and business owners in order to gain an overall picture of what has been happening in the north since October 8, and especially since Mid-May, with the onset of the warmer, dryer seasons, in order to get a broad, in-depth picture of what is shaping up to be the biggest natural disaster to befall KKL-JNF since its founding over 122 years ago.

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Photo KKL-JNF workers and foresters

Heartbreaking documentation: About 800 dunams burned in Birya Forest after bombardment by Hezbollah terrorists


Parts of the forest, which had been rehabilitated after the Second Lebanon War, caught fire this week due to the shelling of the Galilee region. The heavy damage caused to the forest near Safed can be seen in a video published by KKL-JNF. “An investment of 18 years went up in flames in two hours,” said a senior KKL-JNF official.

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Photo by Ofek Arviv Tree photocredit Yossi Ifergan KKL JNF archive

From Destruction to Rebirth: Bereaved Families Plant New Life at the Site of the Nova Massacre


“On the Sunday before Tu Bishvat (occurring Jan 25), KKL-JNF hosted a moving tree-planting ceremony at the Re’im Recreation Area, in memory of the 364 victims of the Oct 7 Nova Festival Massacre. The ceremony was held together with the grieving families, who planted trees at the very spot their loved ones were last seen alive. The plantings are part of KKL-JNF efforts to rehabilitate the destroyed areas of the Gaza Envelope. Together, we will supplant the blackness of destruction with the green of new life.

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Photo by Bonnie Scheinman, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

Resilience and valor: KKL-JNF youth program salutes heroic acts in Ofaqim


“”Youth from the KKL-JNF “Youth at Risk” program painted an emotionally painting, paying tribute to the bravery of Ofaqim residents during the Black Saturday attacks on Oct. 7th 2023

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Photo by Eli Levi Productions, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

An interview with Adi Efrat, director of the Sderot animal-assisted therapy center and a survivor of the Kibbutz Be'eri massacre


“Until Now, Therapy Was Based on the Message ‘Now Everything is Alright’. It’s Not That Simple”

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Photo by Merhavim association

Youth in KKL-JNF's 'planting together' program distribute 30,000 hot meals to security forces and aid southern residents


In a combined effort between Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) and the Merhavim association, youth from KKL-JNF’s ‘Planting Together’ program have mobilized to distribute some 30,000 hot meals to IDF soldiers and security forces stationed across the country. Since the start of the war, the boys, aged 14-18, have been visiting army bases from Hermon in the north to Eilat in the south. In addition, they assist during animal therapy sessions for residents still in the Gaza Envelope, and with respite activities for the evacuees and the wounded in hospitals.

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Dennis Zinn, KKL-JNF Photo Archive

KKL-JNF's support for Shokeda's displaced families


“For me, KKL-JNF is not simply ‘The Jewish National Fund’ but rather ‘The Jewish National Family'”. Elyasaf Miara – Artist and Musician, Moshav Shokeda.

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Shahar Cohen- KKL-JNF Photos Archive

French Opinion Leaders Tour Israel, Meet Survivors, Activists, Local And Military Officials​


“Despite the war, you came here to express solidarity and report to the world about the atrocities that took place here,” said Daniel Benlolo, executive director of KKL France, to the French opinion leaders delegation visiting Israel last week.

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Ofir and his wife Vered, Photo courtesy the family
Ofir and his wife Vered, Photo courtesy the family

French opinion leaders tour israel, meet survivors, activists, local and military officials


The late Ofir Libstein, Head of the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council, fell while defending his fellow residents in Kibbutz Kfar Gaza. KKL-JNF vows to continue Ofir’s path and work to rehabilitate the Gaza Envelope and rebuild the communities.

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Photo by Chaim Goldberg, Flash 90

How the local community rapid defense teams saved hundreds of lives


The horrific terror attacks carried out by thousands of terrorists against Israeli communities in the south have led to numerous acts of heroism and sacrifice by Israelis who fended off the terrorists, saving many lives while often losing their own.

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KKL-JNF zoom meeting October 24th, 2023.

This war is all of ours – A Zoom meeting with KKL-JNF friends around the world


The KKL-JNF Resource Development Division in Israel organized a Zoom meeting with KKL-JNF Friends around the world, in order to hear first-hand testimony from the Simchat Torah massacre and gain more insight on how to help the survivors.

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Credit:Yossi Zeliger KKL-JNF Photos Archive

"With the help from friends like you, we will win"


Members of the KKL-JNF Board of Directors toured the regional councils near the Gaza border on Monday, with the aim of learning their needs and continuing to support the residents who endured the terrible terrorist attacks.

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Credit:KKL-JNF Photo Archive

KKL-JNF holds initiatives to support individuals with special needs in israel


Following the ongoing strife in southern Israel, the Volunteer and Special Needs Division of Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael -Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has initiated a series of programs within apartments and sheltered housing for individuals with special needs who, due to the war, are unable to leave their homes.

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Children's activities at the Kiner Hotel- Credit- Yoav Devir
Credit:Yoav Devir

KKL-JNF mobilizes on behalf of the residents of the south


At least 1,300 people were murdered, 3,000 wounded and about 200 abducted to Gaza as a result of the murderous Hamas terror attack that shocked the entire world. The victims included children, women and the elderly – this cruel enemy has no compassion for anyone. About 60,000 residents of Southern Israel were forced to leave their homes, becoming refugees in their own country. Many people volunteered to help residents from the south who had experienced the most horrific acts that the human mind could ever imagine.

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Credit -Rami Chahma
Credit: Rami Chahma

From overnight hell to haven: KKL-JNF's lifeline to the residents of Bnei Netzarim


The enormous lobby of the Jerusalem Gates Hotel was packed to capacity on Thursday, October 12, 2023, which was the 6th day of the Israel-Hamas war. All those present were women and children from Bnei Netzarim, an agricultural village situated in the Eshkol Region just South of the Gaza Strip. They had been evacuated from the area under fire a few days earlier and brought to the hotel.


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